
Recovering Dignity and Choice Through the Body

Somatic Experiencing (SE) therapy techniques, as developed by Dr. Peter Levine, are based in an understanding of how trauma, stress and neglect are carried in the body. Somatic Experiencing therapy offers methods of paying attention to emotions, sensations and images in gentle, informed ways that transform the fight/flight/freeze patterns that can persist in the wake of distressing experiences. Clients are not asked to discuss upsetting stories at length or to relive unpleasant events. Somatics treatment does not seek out “buried memories” or require a client to remember events in their entirety.

Through Somatic Experiencing exercises, clients learn to observe and “track” body sensations, imagery and emotions associated with the topics discussed. They learn to find and tolerate safety at the level of sensation. This opens up space to work with the body’s fight/flight/freeze reactions in a gradual, “titrated” fashion. Using Somatic Experiencing, clients learn to navigate distressing emotions and memories as the associated physical sensations differentiate, shift, and take on new meanings.

Clients recover a sense of choice with triggers, uncomfortable physical sensations and hard to break patterns. They become more present, more resourceful, more assertive and better able to feel the full range of their emotions.

Nature’s Lessons in Healing

In this video, you will learn about the physiological basis of trauma and how Somatic Experiencing® (SE™), developed by Peter A. Levine, PhD, helps distressed individuals recover a sense of well being, stability and vitality.