About Dirk -
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner

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Dirk Trachy is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and Licensed Massage Therapist in Ithaca, NY. Additionally, Dirk studied somatic approaches to developmental trauma from Nurturing Resilience coauthor Kathy Kain, assistant teaching for her Touch Skills Training for Trauma Therapists. Dirk is also certified at Level 1 by TRACC4Movements in working with the unique needs of social justice activists and organizers.

Dirk began his career answering calls on crisis hotlines and has taught classes and led groups at cutting edge residential recovery centers. He has provided Somatic Experiencing therapy to clients in residential recovery contexts, in private practice, and through a variety of grassroots community organizations.

A deep appreciation for clients’ resilience, creativity, and wholeness infuses Dirk’s approach. Client’s strengths, passions, and relationships help guide the process. He approaches trauma healing work with an understanding that trauma and chronic stress occur within complex social systems and historical contexts. Dirk is rooted in his love of the natural world and commitment to an intersectional vision of social justice. He is committed to an approach that honors these values in his practice.

Dirk offers Somatic Experiencing (SE) therapy and Somatic Touch therapy work to help clients mindfully connect with their bodies and recover resilience in the wake of trauma, anxiety, and chronic stress. Clients become more empowered in the face of distressing memories, uncomfortable physical sensations and hard to break patterns. They become more present, more resourceful, more assertive and better able to access the full range of their emotions.

Dirk is a lover of the outdoors and enjoys playing music, gardening and being involved in his community. He tries to read too many books at the same time.