Somatic Experiencing and Anxiety Treatment

About Somatic Experiencing Therapy

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a therapy that was developed by Dr. Peter Levine to help people who have experienced trauma or other forms of chronic stress. SE is based on the idea that trauma can be bound in the body. By paying attention to and releasing these stuck sensations in a careful and informed way, a person can resolve the symptoms of trauma and related conditions.

Anxiety and Panic Attack Treatment with Somatic Experiencing

Anxiety and panic attacks are like an alarm going off at the wrong time of day. The nervous system and the body act as though an emergency is happening and survival responses that usually do not fit with the moment at hand. Somatic Experiencing can help by addressing the underlying embodied causes of anxiety. Panic and anxiety attacks are often triggered by the influence of past experiences, attachment disruptions, and chronic stress on the nervous system. Somatic Experiencing can help a person process and release the stored fight or flight energy that can make someone susceptible to panic and anxiety. It can also be used to lessen the body’s physical reaction to triggers. This can reduce the frequency and intensity of panic attacks, and ultimately help a person prevent, navigate, and even stop them.

Somatic Experiencing Therapy for Trauma

Somatic Experiencing is a gentle, non-invasive approach that involves guiding a person through a series of exercises that help them focus on their body and safely notice and follow sensations as they change over time. These exercises can include body awareness, gentle movement, and visualization techniques. Simple, clothed bodywork can also be used. By focusing on the body and gently releasing stored sensations, a person can start to let go of the pull of past experiences and reduce the symptoms of panic and anxiety, restoring emotional well-being and a developing a felt sense of safety.

If you experience anxiety or panic attacks and are interested in learning more about Somatic Experiencing Therapy, contact us for a free consultation.

Dirk Trachy, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner

Dirk Trachy is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and Licensed Massage Therapist. He has additional training in somatic approaches to developmental trauma from bestselling coauthor of Nurturing Resilience, Kathy Kain, assistant teaching for her Touch Skills Training for Trauma Therapists. Dirk is also certified at Level 1 by TRACC4Movements in working with the unique needs of social justice activists and organizers.

Somatic Experiencing Therapy and Chronic Feelings of Shame